Monday, November 29, 2010

My, This Is a Deep Hole.

I like to read over what I've been writing about to try and get some sort of idea what the whole blog package looks like. Sorry to say it, but here is another downer.

I thought things were grimmish when I wrote that last post. This month, November, has kicked my ass all around the block. I just have to say, first, that there is a whole lot to be thankful for. There really really is. And I am trying my very best to keep some perspective because I know things could start going up tomorrow, and I might be sorry I bitched and whined. However, it seems like experience tells me that until I bitch and moan and groan, things just stay the same, like some kind of purging activity. Though, I don't necessarily believe that life's orchestration is mainly based on my emotional health (though, I do think it has an effect, more and more as time goes on).

ANYWAY. Lets, see, how did this all start. Yes, at the end of Oct. my cousin died. We weren't close by any stretch, but he was family. And I am pretty certain he did not go to Heaven. He apparently had some major beef with God. I don't think or know what I could have done about that, but it was just weird. I am very sad for his family, especially my aunt, who I am close to. To have your baby boy (he was 29) jerked out of your life.... And things were not going well for him either. He was having horrible issues re: being able to see his one year old son. His whole life was caught up in trying to sort all of that out. There was a lot about his death that was tragic.

After that, though it might not seem like a big deal to anyone else, we had daylight savings. That funked Sophia up in a way I had not seen previously. And when Sophia ain't happy, Sugar, Ain't. No. One. Happy. We also started an epilepsy drug wean during that time. For two weeks, that child was 6 kinds of uncomfortable. Of course, her birthday landed smack dab in the middle of all that. Happy Birthday, Sophia, you can't do anything a 7 months can do, and you aren't even happy. Ever. I actually feel very shitty about the 7 month old thing, but I am really torn up about her lack of development. It's not for my sake. Or, you know what, maybe some of it is. She was so so so normal for 6 months and then KaBLOOM. It just kills me that in 6 months almost nothing has changed despite her hard work, the pain she's been through, and frankly, all that praying.

I thought, though, if I could just make it to the 15th. On the 15th, we would go to the hospital, we would start this ketogenic diet, it would solve all of our problems, and hip hip hooray. I should clarify that I didn't have all my hopes hinged on this. I did have good reason to think it would work very well for us, but I also knew just to wait and see based on experience. Well, in four days, girlfriend tripled her seizures. It was a nightmare. Lots of crying, lots of (failed) needle pokes. On Tues they just decided she needed surgery for a boil which required general anesthesia. Things went smoothly, but no one told me, and what was supposed to take 45 min ended up taking 2 hours b/c no one bothered to tell mom that everything was fine. Anyway, they discharged us early since her diet was going well. That was a Weds.

That particular Weds, my Papa had a heart attack that required emergency open heart surgery. When I got home, he was in the ICU 4 hours away. I had a baby on a VERY strict diet with a surgical incision to take care of, so I couldn't even dream of leaving, either taking her with me or leaving her in the care of someone else. I might have if she were normalish, but schedule interruptions aggravate the seizures. So my mom, who had come down to help with my son, had to leave the next day. Well, my early discharge was authorized on the assumption that I would have a lot of help to get all the new things taken care of (that, two weeks later, I am STILL trying to wrap up). So that made it administratively hard for me, but also, there is the fact that my granddad is probably not going to last the night.

He did, and the next. I wish I could say, "And then he pulled through!", but no, this is my story of my shitty month, remember. His three kids took him off of the ventilator and he died on Sunday. Less tragic in the way that he really did make the most of his last years. The night before he had his heart attack, he was out swing dancing! He was in his mid 80's! I know he was saved, so I know I'll see him again. Thank God. What really sucks about his death for me is that I spent so much time judging him. On one hand, he had made the bed, and I was happy to let him lie in it. He did something things that were very serious in my eyes against his kids over his life, and even in the last 5 years. However, in talking to my mom about it a few weeks ago, she said he really has been changing over the last year. I knew he had found church since my nanny died, but it seems like he finally found Jesus as well. I hope so. I was just really judgmental towards him. No mercy. Admittedly, his care wasn't in my hands, so my opinions didn't affect him at all, but I do regret several of the things I've said and thought about him. I even decided to talk to him since his death and ask for forgiveness. Did I mention that the aunt that lost her son, that this was her dad? Yeah. Wow that sucks.

Oh yeah, and they kicked Sophia out of the nursery at church until they have a doctor's note. I've had a hard time getting that from my doc and I STILL don't know if it says all the right stuff (I'm supposed to fax it tomorrow). They lady Ive been connected with since this epilepsy thing started was heart broken to tell me this, and I really appreciated that. But liability is liability, and they want to make sure it is safe for Sophia that I drop her off with non medically trained personnel. I get it, but holy moly, it has put a cramp in my style. I was unaware how much I needed that weekly sing it out fest with my congregation.

Getting used to the diet hasn't been terrible or even terribly hard, it's just been one more thing on the pile. for instance, it took me one whole day to get someone to tell me how the hell I could get pain medication into my daughter without screwing up everything we had just done at the hospital. Then there was the constipation that lasted for 4 days at a time, the enemas, taking care of the surgery site, the seizures, the decline of seizures, but not anywhere near the cessation of seizures (this stuff really does take time and its only been two weeks). Turns out her boil was MSRA and now I have to find SOMEONE who will give me this stupid nose swap so I'm not a carrier anymore because her pediatrician won't do it.

My birthday came and went with barely a breeze. Thanksgiving was pretty nice, until Sophie has a mega seizure at the end. She has gotten very sensitive after just waking up for seizures. We tried to go out for my birthday tonight on my husbands first night off in 7 days. And he works 14 hours per shift overnight, so it's not like he's been able to rest anyway. But alas, sleeping beauty (the baby) slept too late. I didn't want to wake my girl b/c I know she is prone to seizures if woken up, and then, at 2100, she ended up having a seizure anyway. Thanks epilepsy. Husband works another 4 nights before his next day off. Thanks Retail!

And I am just so so busy. I have so so much to do, and I don't have enough day to do it. Well, I would if I could get out of the house, but Sleepy McSleeperton sleeps ALL THE TIME. Which I think is actually a good thing, giving her brain a rest, but shucky darns batman, I have errands to run. And a whole lot of them. And we are refinancing the house. Why did we decided to do that NOW? And I think I'm struggling with a bit of depression, so that is sapping much of the motivational edge I need to really put the pedal to the metal and get it done.

The kicker is my good friend, who has basically kept me afloat is leaving. She came into my life a couple of months before this seizure shit storm started in May. Now, she is moving on with her life. She got a job in Austin, she will be deploying next year. She loves being in the Army, so she is doing what she can to enjoy that career as well as properly raise her almost 3 year old son. I am so proud of her. I wont take the time to enumerate on how essential she has been to my sanity and emotional survival in the last few months. Just trust me, it has been tantamount. She is closing on her house tomorrow and moving Friday. Today is Monday. I am crushed. We've tried to talk about it, and me, miss gabby talks and shares too much, I just can't go there. I choke up when I even think about it. My heart physically hurts to write this out. I have no idea what I'll do, but somehow we have managed to schedule time together everyday until Friday. I want to help her pack, but I don't know if she'll want me there, I'll be bawling the. entire. time. I know that is technically in December, but we'll just lump it in with November, because next month cannot go this bad. I cannot handle any more grief, struggles, hardships, losses, changes, upsets, or anything like that. Well, perhaps I can, but not without all the crying.

There have definitely been ways to spin some of this stuff positively, but I'm just not there. I hope to God I am at the end of this valley and that it is time to start climbing uphill again. So what has saved this month from the deep? My husband and his strength and support, tenderness, and snuggles. My son and his need to play and have fun and not tolerate my half-hearted efforts. When Sophie smiles. Alysha and her constant encouragement. She literally makes me courageous to get through the next day/week/month. God. When he actually and really takes away my fear, anger, sadness and gives me strength, patience, love, and peace (still working on Joy). I am so confused. I am weary. I am sad. I know that things can get much much worse, but this is pretty damn bad. There is a silver lining on every cloud and when it stops raining in my eyes, I will be looking for it.