Thursday, February 12, 2009

Long Time Gone

I have not written in a while, which is a shame because there is a lot to write about.

I'm working half time now.

Warren got promoted.

I realized I don't think God likes me. But he insists he does, so there is that.

I've been working out for a month and I really am enjoying it. I dont know if I've lost any weight or inches, and I don't really care.

Warren is so precious to me.

Matthew is so sweet and just does the cutest frickin things EVER.

I am hopelessly addicted to Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy.

I got a cool new cell phone.

Perez Hilton is like a train wreck I cant stop staring at (meaning I can't stop checking his sight).

I think I'm finally coming off my crush on Robert Pattinson. That is until the New Moon Machine gets going.

I'm going to my dear dear friends wedding. When I met her, she was Catholic. Now she is Orthodox Jewish. It should be fun. All I know is I can't show my shoulders. Or something.

One of my best friends had her daughter. She is magnificent (both of them). The whole experience got me into a fight with my mother.

I kinda like pulling weeds. There is something satisfying about being able to pull the whole problem straight out of the ground, roots and all, all at once. I really really really wish life worked that way. Really.

I don't think I know even one John Mayer song, but my goodness, he is adorable. And yeah, he is good looking, but I mean just as a person, I think he is frickin adorable. Check this out.

Wait a minute, I do know one song, "Daughters". That's right.

So that is about it.

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