Friday, August 14, 2009

One Lucky Beotch

My schedule right now is awesome!

I can't really tell anyone that because then I get the glare of doom. I wish everyone could work a schedule that is as awesome for them as mine is for me. Here's the scoop. I work all day Monday, all day Wednesday, and Friday morning. Here is a better way of looking at it.

Sun - off
Mon- on
Tues - off
Wed - on
Thurs - off
Fri - 1/2 on
Sat - off

So basically, my week is made of up Fridays and Saturdays. Except for Sunday. Sunday will always be Sunday. No one messes with Sunday, do they? Isn't that schedule awesome?! Even Monday, the dreaded Monday, is really like Friday because I have the next day off! I'm still getting used to it, and it will be over soon, when I deliver my lil' punkin. Still, it's awesome. I get so much more done now. Except today I will be napping, because despite my best efforts I have missed out on several hours of sleep this week. It's not a lot for a normal person, but it's turning this preggo into the walking dead.

However, this only serves to prove my point that I am one lucky beotch. Who gets to go home early on Friday and take a nap? No one. Who wants to? Everyone.

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