Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ya Know, Stuff

I feel good.

I straightened my hair the other day and it looked GOOD. And it was easy, and very repeatable.

I am really liking Gateway as a church. I mean really really. Can I tell you how I long for a South Campus of some sort? Jesus? Can we work on that?

Oh, and the reason I am liking Gateway, well, it takes more than I want to put in right now, but lets just say that Jesus is awesome. Not in that, "Im a preteen and I say this to fit in!" way, but in that "Oh my GOD life is really hard and I am so bad at life, but hey, there is Jesus and he really loves me, I mean a lot" way. I know when you say, "Jesus died for you", it's like an in one ear and out the other phrase. Think of when you are trying to tell someone about how much you love your kids, even if they are a parent themselves, you just know they aren't getting it, "No, you don't understand, I LOVE him!". It's like that. Jesus is AWESOME. Lets just all assume none of us are really understanding just how awesome Jesus is.

I really love my nephew. He is so beautiful. I can't wait to see what kind of person he becomes.

Itunes is a RAM sucker. It's frickin 10 pm, finish up so I can go to bed!

My son. I love saying that, "my son". Ive noticed that everyone just assumes new mothers want a girl. Even now that Im getting a girl, I kinda miss the fact that I won't have another boy around the house. I love love boys. And girls scare me. Please Jesus, let this be a cool girl. Or rather, let me be a good mom for whatever type of girl you give me.

My dog is about to give birth to puppies any day now. Seriously. I am so excited and nervous.

Like I said, I feel good.

Oh, and we have a first name for the girl. Sophia. But that is subject to change.

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