Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Quick Thoughts

making ribs for the first time tonight, kinda nervous.

Matthew is the best son ever. Yes, he is better than yours. Sorry bout that.

Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible told me so. and so did the Holy Spirit. He tells me everyday, actually. Its awesome. You should ask him (he is with you now) and see what he says. I'll put $1,000,000 on "I love you, (insert your name here)".

Uh. I have to make other things for dinner, not just ribs, and I am kinda stuck... mashed taters? greens? We sure love our greens around here.

There is a baby in my belly and I am officially excited to see her come out! I've been nervous up til now, but now, I'm just plain ole ready.

I love my husband, and I am really enjoying the "up" our marriage is having right now. I love you "up"! Hopefully when we hit the next down, I'll remember that this too shall pass. Let's hope.

Hope! I've been doing that a lot lately. Learning how to hope again.

I am so mad at my dog. She got out of our yard, took her one last puppy with her, and then left him! Our one last puppy is gone. As a pregnant woman and mother, I'm livid. That puppy could be dead by now, but I will HOPE someone stopped to pick him up. He was the essence of cute, so I think that probably happened. I'm not putting up posters because I was already trying to find a home for him anyway, and if someone has him that can return him, I don't really want them to. I want them to keep him. It would give me better peace of mind, but I think I will still leave it be.

I have GOT to finish the laundry tonight, and by golly, I think I will. I really want to sweep the kitchen and vacuum the floors, too. I'm feeling rather ambitious considering I have 2 1/4 hours left til bed time to do those things, finish and eat dinner, and get my child to bed, all with a belly full of baby.

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