Saturday, May 23, 2009


"...Off I go to prophetic evangelism. So excited...God showed out last week. Lord, grant us souls!!! Lord, grant us disciples!!!"

This is a status update from one of my friends on facebook. Well, she isn't a friend. I don't know her even a little bit. I've met her once and seen her face all of two times. Maybe that is what allows me to be so critical, but who am I kidding? I'm always critical. Anyway, I have an opinion on her status update.

"Lord, grant us souls!" Is he keeping them from you? Does he have a locker of souls, from which he can pluck a few out when you are feeling brave and bolstered and like a good christian? Is he the one that that is doing you the favor by letting you lead someone to Christ? Maybe what you are trying to say is, "Lord, lead us to souls that are ripe for harvesting! I want to speak about you and I want the people I speak to, to be impacted by your truth!" "Show me who you have already been working on and please let me help in your work to pluck these people out of hell!"

I dont know. Maybe I think too much like a lost person and it is what keeps me from telling people the truth of Jesus. "Lord, grant us disciples"? sounds like a cult to me. Almighty power of the universe, wont you give us more people for our cause, I mean YOUR cause, so that we can look legitamate and like we really have the answer! Because we do! All your answers to life's problems right here. Just sign right here, sacrifice 8 hours of your life per week, and you are on your way to eternal GLORY! You have a job? Kids? A HOBBY! Jesus isn't your hobby? Don't you know this is more important than your job?! This is your eternity we are talking about here!!

If I read this entry and felt the need to comment, I would say, "Bitter much?"

Anyway, Im pissed about a great many other things. Pissed, and down, and sad, and totally missing all that makes my life so wonderful, and am therefore mad some more. :-) Have a great day, okay? For me?

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