Monday, July 13, 2009

Mixed Bag

Today, I'm a mixed bag. This weekend was less than easy. It wasn't hard in the sense that I will remember it forever as being a hard weekend. It was just... way less than easy. I'm trying to work really hard to get ready for the impending change coming up. We are about to have a new litter of puppies (which I REALLY need to research), and I am about to have my own child a couple months after those puppies are taken care of. Warren is most likely going to let me stay home, which means that all of our disposable income is about to be sucked away. I desperately want to stay home with my kids for some time (a year?), but as far as I can tell, Warren desperately wants disposable income. I know all the women out there are thinking, "Well, being a mother comes before money, so your need is more valid". Maybe they aren't, but it's what the selfish part of me thinks. However, Warren's need to make sure his family is provided for is pretty significant. I grew up without a present mom, so it is what I want to provide. He grew up without stuff and was teased mercilessly about it, so it is what he wants to provide. Lord, please please please figure this out. Help me or Warren get over not getting what we want for a time, or better yet, is there a way we can both have what we want?

In my attempt to bribe Warren into letting me stay home, I have agreed to get a flat screen TV. We really don't have the money for this. I mean, we kinda do, if you are of the average American mindset, they we have PLENTY of money for a new TV and all the new expenses we are about to incur with a new baby. But if you are of a more responsible mindset than the average American, you know, this is less than responsible. I think there is a little war between my shoulder angel and demon, neither one really good or bad, just on opposite sides.

I really wish my dad would help out. I really wish my boss would lay me off instead of having to quit so I could draw unemployment. I really wish Warren would get promoted to Co-Manager, so money wouldn't be an issue. I really wish I were getting ALL of the things I want for this baby (clothes, cloth diapers, wrap).

Really, when it comes down to it, I really only want those things. I have everything else and the rest is just stuff. I need clothes, but cloth diapers and this particular wrap are really extra, though I really want them. I bet I could even find a swing from someone who wasn't using theirs anymore. But I don't have to have the swing. So really, not much to get in that area. Oh, and I could really use a pack and play, but that is cheap on craigslist.

I am so nervous about my dog having puppies. I have no freaking clue what to do or look for, and unfortunately, as Ive already bitched about, I don't have money to really take care of her if something goes wrong. I know, I know, but what about the TV you say? Well, I don't really have the cash for that in the first place, do I? I am not an animal hater, but neither do I give them human status, or equal as human status. I think I have a responsibility to this dog, as her owner, but I'm really not going to go much out of my way to shelter her from what nature wouldn't. If I had lots of disposable income, then I would spend it on her, but I don't. So I am trying to do the best by her without putting my family in a bad financial situation. Basically, I'm not draining savings for a dog, and I'm not going in debt for a dog. Isn't it funny how we worry about dogs not having homes, which really is only a problem because we refuse to let them hang out in nature? "I really love you puppy and everyone should love you as much as I do, but what I will not tolerate is HAVING LOOSE DOGS ON THE STREET! AGGHHH!!!" *rolling the eyes* If lose dogs on the street are so dangerous (and they really can be) then why do we take them into our homes? My random thoughts on pet ownership and how it is just a pet, not a person.

ANYWAY, I'm super excited to have some puppies and a baby girl (whom I don't know what to name), and I am kinda nervous. Having watched God provide for Shay should make me ashamed to be so nervous. How about this? I'll be a littler nervous, but I'll continue to believe that God will figure out something? In the meantime, maybe I'll figure out that he always provides.

I'm not really afraid that God wont provide, I'm afraid that my husband is going to get scared and then yank away my last chance to do the only thing I've ever wanted to do, and that is be a stay at home mom. I hate having it so close and then feeling like I'm not going to get it. And I hate that Warren is going to treat me bad and probably have a bad attitude the entire time. And I hate that I am going to have to take it, and that instead of growing up and being gracious, he is going to be a jerk. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm going to have to be the bigger man, like he has been so many times, and I'm afraid I'm going to fail, because I SUCK at being the bigger man.

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