Monday, October 12, 2009

My Friend Had a Baby!

I've been a part of 3 pregnancies this year. Also, all 3 pregnancies have involved the 3 women I spend the most time with. How bout that? And, if you've forgotten, Im pregnant too, and highly anticipating my own birth. There is somethin' in the water.

2 of those births have been c-sections, and it was kind of weighing on me. I was starting to wonder if anyone I knew would have a vaginal birth, or if I would be the only odd duck doing things the way nature intended. That is to say, not that these ladies wanted c-sections, they didn't, and they had them for good reasons, but still, do you get what I'm trying to say here?

Anyway, Im so happy she had a good delivery. Apparently it took them a little longer than desired to get her epidural going, which is less than awesome. All things considered though, I am so glad she didn't have a c-section. AND she barely tore. Apparently they just hooked her up with one stitch, which is awesome. I'm just thrilled. Sometimes they just set women up for c-sections, and she easily could have been on of those women. I am just so happy she wasn't!

Because I just can't help by make things about me, I'm gonna have to say it. I CANT WAIT TO HAVE MY BABY!!! I don't know what the hell I am going to do with 2 children, but I guess millions of people have figured it out before me and will continue doing so after me so I should have a fair shot at this. :-) I am just so excited. If I have Sophie at the same point in pregnancy as I had Matthew, I would only have 2 weeks to go! THATS IT! But hopefully she will hold out just a wee bit longer. I wouldn't even mind if she went all the way to 40 weeks (famous last words). We shall see. There is just no way to know these things. We will check my cervix at my next appointment, so that will give us an idea, but not much else. I was a 2 at 36weeks with Matthew and had him a few days later. I know I could walk around at a 2 for weeks, but it is just an indicator. We'll see. Either way, I have majorly geared up the getting ready for baby process. I finished up her blanket this weekend, which was the last craft project to do. All I need to do now is finish up a little bit of shopping and hang up one more thing on the wall. However, that can get done at anytime. Even the shopping isn't totally imperative. It's mostly small stuff that could wait until later.

All that to say, I am ready, and I am excited. I want her fully cooked, for sure, but MAN I can't wait until I get to hold her! In the mean time, I sure am enjoying my last few weeks with Matthew all alone. He seems to know there is a big change on the horizon. He has become much more cuddly and sweet, which isn't his nature. He is more the Whirling Dervish type. A sweet Whirling Dervish, but whirling all the same. Stopping long enough to be held is uncommon for him.

Also, I have quite the list of things to wrap up at the office before I am done here. Since I won't be returning, I really need to make sure all the loose ends are tied up! So that is what I am going to start working on RIGHT NOW! Have a good Monday! I know I sure am!

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