Friday, April 24, 2009


In my opinion, I have pretty decent grammar. I think it is just ridiculous to brag about being a grammar nazi because not everyone can remember all of the rules all of the time. Then, the first time you forget, someone else slams you and you are thusly ousted from your grammar thrown. I almost always remember to say "it's" when I mean "it is" and "its" when I mean possessive it. I fully comprehend all of the differences between your/you're. I cannot for the life of me figure out/remember the who/whom jig. What is the deal?


I am TIE-errrd.

Im all in the throws of that wonderful 1st trimester, which really isn't so bad for me. I don't puke, I just kinda feel sea sick. What I do get is dog tired. Dang-dog-dilly tired. This pregnancy has been sooooooo much better as far as the fatigue area is concerned, but, I'm still dragging. Last night I was just about to rest my head on my pillow and then the midwife called. I should have said no, but it was the last birth before I get paid, so I thought, man, I need to just get this done! Plus, it's a birth, and that is always just plain ol' COOL! So I head on out around 9:30. Mom has baby at 11:15 and we scoot around 1:30. I would have liked to just crash, but I really needed a shower and knew there was NO WAY I could accomplish that in the morning. The only thing that could move me would be knowing if I didn't get the hell out of the house, I would lose my job. :-) So, I showered before I went to bed and ended up in snooze land around 2:30.

That means I got about 4.5 hours of sleep, which isn't too too bad normally, except for me it feels like 2 hours of sleep which is too too bad.

But it was a pretty cool birth to see, I think. It was the first time I've seen a mom deliver her second child, and this couple had it down. She just did her labor thang, and then pushed that kid out in 15 min. Which is fast. Afterwards, most moms and dads are in the post baby glow and just kinda linger and call people and fawn and all that, but these cats were ready to roll. She had that kiddo breastfeeding the entire time they were there, except when I had to get vitals. That is an unusual site for me since Im used to babies not getting their act together and just mouthing all over mom's nipple. I thought it was weird that the kid was overdue by a week and only 6lbs 9oz. He was a little guy! Im kind of glad she went over, imagine if she went early! Yikes stripes fruit stripes gum.

And oh my goodness, can I say how excited I am to give birth again. It is just one of my most favorite things to do. Ever. No, Im not joking.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Pioneer Woman

Have you seen this blog?! What fun Oh joy!!! She (Ree Drummond) is living the life I had always wanted to live but have no idea how to find. I married a man who knows less about the land than me (which means he knows nothing). I adore him, I do, but it just means my dreams of living on a lot of land and doing something farm-like with it are further away than they could have been if I had found myself a rancher. Ree found a rancher. Good for her. I think I've printed out a million of her recipes. I just have to figure out how to get this one into smaller portions. If I make that many cinnamon rolls, I will eat them all and then I will explode. But death by these things just cant be that bad. Can it? You might be thinking I could follow her suggestion and share then, but that is ludicrus. Why spread around warm cinnamon roll love when you can explode from it by hoarding them? Hm? No answer? I thought not.

Other than that, it is raining here. I keep my office dark to better see my drawings in AutoCad, and when it rains, it seems like twilight in the office. Which is just about my bed time these days. I would go get some coffee, but that is a slight no no for me being pregnant. "They" say you can have a cup a day, but I really prefer the expensive highly caffinated coffee if Im going to bother drinking it at all (which is seldom). So did they mean a shot of espresso a day or a cup of watered down office coffee a day? Because of my dilema, I usually only imbibe when the need it great. The need is not great today, so I will just enjoy the humming in my ears and it's attempt to lull me to sleep.

There are several things about this pregnancy that are different than my last. By pregnancy standards, my symptoms were and are mild, but it is strange to me to be experiencing different mild symptoms. In Matthew's first trimester I needed a minimum of 13 hours of sleep a day (Im not joking), I often times fell asleep at my desk. From 9 am to 11 am, I would have nausea that I would keep at bay with saltine crackers. Towards the end of the first trimester (weeks 1-12) I started feeling round ligament pain, which is kind of like a charlie horse cramp on the side of your stomach. It is very short and very intense. And that was it. This pregnancy, I am tired, but I just need around 9-10 hours of sleep, depending on the night. I am no where near falling asleep at my desk. I have 8-10 hour periods of sea-sickness. It is like a mild nausea, stomach rolling, blergish feeling. I can funtion in society, but I really would rather not. Matthew's 2 hour nausea sessions were a little more intense, but they ended. These are not predictable, except that once they start, I know they will go on for awhile. I have had a couple of these strange fits where I amd this close to puking, but dont. That never happened with Matthew. I puked once with him, some time in the second trimester, and that was Taco Bell's fault. So all in all similar in the intensity of the discomfort, but very dissimilar in the specific ailments. After having watched my good friend have 2 completely different pregnancies only to have 2 girls, I won't even for a second entertain that this must mean I've having a girl. I am 100% positive you just can never tell. I can't remember whether or not I've said what I want, so Ill say it here now anyway.

I think I want a girl. I've always wanted boys. I really wanted Matthew to be a boy. I was really relieved when he was. I am scared to death of having a girl. But..... I see my older friends with their daughters and I know I want that when Im older. Daughters might hate their moms when they are younger, and even though my mom and I have a not so awesome relationship, there are times when you just need your mommy. So even though I would be more than content to have 6 boys, I think I would like to take a crack at a girl. Either way, we'll see.

Speaking of birth, it is my son's second birthday, which is wonderful! I am thankful that this year went a little slower than the first. It still went by at the speed of light, but at least it was a little slower. Can I say how not excited for this year I am? I am terrified by the terrible twos. I am going to be working very hard to focus on the cute and let the terrible just go by the wayside.

Okey Dokey. Got to go.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I dont feel so well.

I'm very newly pregnant, and I don't feel so well. Blerg. That is onomatopoeia (which is not spelled like it sounds) for what my stomach is doing. Blerg.

Part of the physiological process of pregnancy is that the stomach and intestines move higher up in the abdominal cavity in order to make room for the expanding womb. I think that is a terrific idea, I just wish my body would only make this move when it became necessary because it is what makes me feel so blerg. Honestly, I'm not sure it is ever necessary for me. You see, I have a great deal of my height in my torso, and being 5'9" means I have quite a bit of torso. I do wish I had less width, but I digress. When I was pregnant with my son, I didn't start "showing" until about 4 weeks before I popped. I wish I were joking. He just hid in there. This whole "baby in your ribs" routine? Nope. This whole "you look HUGE" crap everyone hates? I was dying for it! I never looked pregnant! Oh, believe me, I looked bigger, but not pregnant. It was glorious in that "I'm the only one in the world who wants to look pregnant! Why can't I look pregnant!!???!!!" way. So why my intestines think they should move up this early and at all is way beyond me. Mostly it just makes me want to say, "Blerg."

And I can feel everything! The top of my stomach has gotten hard, while the bottom is no where near being filled out! I don't think the top of my uterus is even over my pubic bone! They say your body gets "better" at pregnancy and nursing the more times you go through it. I just wish it could go FASTER! I'm only 7 weeks and some days and I am already miserable in my impatience! I want to see my baby! The only time I really need is that time after you find out the sex and have your shower and can set up the nursery. Now that time I need not to have a baby, but all the other times, I really want my baby!

But, I know how it goes. At week 10, I'll hear a heartbeat and maybe get a sonogram. 12 weeks in signals no more worry regarding miscarriages or midnight puke fests. At week 18, I'll get to feel the booger move inside of me. Just 2 weeks later I will get to see the booger in another sonogram, and hopefully, I will find out if I am having a boy or a girl. Then the arduous march to the finish line starts. I will get bigger. My skin will stretch. I will go see the midwife more often, my hips will spread. I will often feel like the baby is trying to kick through my stomach (but not my ribs). I will start to lose more sleep. At some point I'll have that shower and get that nursery put together. While I am really really excited about each individual component, what I am not excited about is all the waiting in between.

Just keep waiting.

No, you aren't there yet.

The good news is, in 2 weeks and 2 days I will be 25% done with this pregnancy and that much closer to my little person!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Intense Desire

I have had this intense desire lately. I know the phrase "intense desire" is incredibly provocative, but there is nothing about this desire I have that feels so intense that is sexual.

I want a man who is at least 6'1", who has a rather large build, and who is strong, to pull me into a hug and hold me for at least 5 min, preferably 10 min. My husband can't help me because he is an inch taller than me and when we hug he likes to have his arms over my shoulders which means that I have to hunch over to snuggle with him. A hug has a hard time being satisfying when it turns you into Igor.

I don't know why I want this hug, but I just do. My brother is too skinny, and I don't think my dad would be willing. I actually have the perfect candidate in mind, but I really don't know how to ask him, "Hey, will you do something for me that my husband can't?" If that doesn't send off warning signals in his mind, then I don't know if I want him hugging me. I just want a hug.

Anyway, I guess I will have to keep going on with out it. What can I otherwise do?