Thursday, April 9, 2009

I dont feel so well.

I'm very newly pregnant, and I don't feel so well. Blerg. That is onomatopoeia (which is not spelled like it sounds) for what my stomach is doing. Blerg.

Part of the physiological process of pregnancy is that the stomach and intestines move higher up in the abdominal cavity in order to make room for the expanding womb. I think that is a terrific idea, I just wish my body would only make this move when it became necessary because it is what makes me feel so blerg. Honestly, I'm not sure it is ever necessary for me. You see, I have a great deal of my height in my torso, and being 5'9" means I have quite a bit of torso. I do wish I had less width, but I digress. When I was pregnant with my son, I didn't start "showing" until about 4 weeks before I popped. I wish I were joking. He just hid in there. This whole "baby in your ribs" routine? Nope. This whole "you look HUGE" crap everyone hates? I was dying for it! I never looked pregnant! Oh, believe me, I looked bigger, but not pregnant. It was glorious in that "I'm the only one in the world who wants to look pregnant! Why can't I look pregnant!!???!!!" way. So why my intestines think they should move up this early and at all is way beyond me. Mostly it just makes me want to say, "Blerg."

And I can feel everything! The top of my stomach has gotten hard, while the bottom is no where near being filled out! I don't think the top of my uterus is even over my pubic bone! They say your body gets "better" at pregnancy and nursing the more times you go through it. I just wish it could go FASTER! I'm only 7 weeks and some days and I am already miserable in my impatience! I want to see my baby! The only time I really need is that time after you find out the sex and have your shower and can set up the nursery. Now that time I need not to have a baby, but all the other times, I really want my baby!

But, I know how it goes. At week 10, I'll hear a heartbeat and maybe get a sonogram. 12 weeks in signals no more worry regarding miscarriages or midnight puke fests. At week 18, I'll get to feel the booger move inside of me. Just 2 weeks later I will get to see the booger in another sonogram, and hopefully, I will find out if I am having a boy or a girl. Then the arduous march to the finish line starts. I will get bigger. My skin will stretch. I will go see the midwife more often, my hips will spread. I will often feel like the baby is trying to kick through my stomach (but not my ribs). I will start to lose more sleep. At some point I'll have that shower and get that nursery put together. While I am really really excited about each individual component, what I am not excited about is all the waiting in between.

Just keep waiting.

No, you aren't there yet.

The good news is, in 2 weeks and 2 days I will be 25% done with this pregnancy and that much closer to my little person!

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