Friday, April 17, 2009

The Pioneer Woman

Have you seen this blog?! What fun Oh joy!!! She (Ree Drummond) is living the life I had always wanted to live but have no idea how to find. I married a man who knows less about the land than me (which means he knows nothing). I adore him, I do, but it just means my dreams of living on a lot of land and doing something farm-like with it are further away than they could have been if I had found myself a rancher. Ree found a rancher. Good for her. I think I've printed out a million of her recipes. I just have to figure out how to get this one into smaller portions. If I make that many cinnamon rolls, I will eat them all and then I will explode. But death by these things just cant be that bad. Can it? You might be thinking I could follow her suggestion and share then, but that is ludicrus. Why spread around warm cinnamon roll love when you can explode from it by hoarding them? Hm? No answer? I thought not.

Other than that, it is raining here. I keep my office dark to better see my drawings in AutoCad, and when it rains, it seems like twilight in the office. Which is just about my bed time these days. I would go get some coffee, but that is a slight no no for me being pregnant. "They" say you can have a cup a day, but I really prefer the expensive highly caffinated coffee if Im going to bother drinking it at all (which is seldom). So did they mean a shot of espresso a day or a cup of watered down office coffee a day? Because of my dilema, I usually only imbibe when the need it great. The need is not great today, so I will just enjoy the humming in my ears and it's attempt to lull me to sleep.

There are several things about this pregnancy that are different than my last. By pregnancy standards, my symptoms were and are mild, but it is strange to me to be experiencing different mild symptoms. In Matthew's first trimester I needed a minimum of 13 hours of sleep a day (Im not joking), I often times fell asleep at my desk. From 9 am to 11 am, I would have nausea that I would keep at bay with saltine crackers. Towards the end of the first trimester (weeks 1-12) I started feeling round ligament pain, which is kind of like a charlie horse cramp on the side of your stomach. It is very short and very intense. And that was it. This pregnancy, I am tired, but I just need around 9-10 hours of sleep, depending on the night. I am no where near falling asleep at my desk. I have 8-10 hour periods of sea-sickness. It is like a mild nausea, stomach rolling, blergish feeling. I can funtion in society, but I really would rather not. Matthew's 2 hour nausea sessions were a little more intense, but they ended. These are not predictable, except that once they start, I know they will go on for awhile. I have had a couple of these strange fits where I amd this close to puking, but dont. That never happened with Matthew. I puked once with him, some time in the second trimester, and that was Taco Bell's fault. So all in all similar in the intensity of the discomfort, but very dissimilar in the specific ailments. After having watched my good friend have 2 completely different pregnancies only to have 2 girls, I won't even for a second entertain that this must mean I've having a girl. I am 100% positive you just can never tell. I can't remember whether or not I've said what I want, so Ill say it here now anyway.

I think I want a girl. I've always wanted boys. I really wanted Matthew to be a boy. I was really relieved when he was. I am scared to death of having a girl. But..... I see my older friends with their daughters and I know I want that when Im older. Daughters might hate their moms when they are younger, and even though my mom and I have a not so awesome relationship, there are times when you just need your mommy. So even though I would be more than content to have 6 boys, I think I would like to take a crack at a girl. Either way, we'll see.

Speaking of birth, it is my son's second birthday, which is wonderful! I am thankful that this year went a little slower than the first. It still went by at the speed of light, but at least it was a little slower. Can I say how not excited for this year I am? I am terrified by the terrible twos. I am going to be working very hard to focus on the cute and let the terrible just go by the wayside.

Okey Dokey. Got to go.

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