Friday, September 26, 2008

Thoughts - 9-26-08

I don't know why I'm not losing weight. I'm doin the stinkin program right, and Im trying to go to God for everything? Eh. Guess I'll just have to do more of that trusting God thing. Sheesh. :-)

Speaking of Weigh Down, I'm a starvin' marvin. I want some serious food in my belly. Perhaps Pad Thai? mmmmm.... its a deal!

I loved the season premire of Grey's Anatomy! Wow! Im lovin this new dude for Christina! Except he is kinda scary. And I know he said he wouldn't stay, but I think he will. George and Lexi? Eh. Dont really care, Im not feeling the chemistry. I wish the man would just take it easy and focus on the work for a few more shows. So glad Rose isn't really pregnant, I thought I was gonna have to stop watching. The show is almost a soap opera as it is, I dont think I could stay a fan if it went into real soap opera territory. And I want some good things for Slone DANGIT! He is one of my fave characters. They are all so good looking, but nothin is as fun to watch as a man finding himself. But isn't that what Alex is going through? Maybe, but he is a huge jerk. You can go through hard things, but that doesn't entitle you to be a jerk to EVERYONE. I'm just sayin.

I also caught Ugly Betty, and MAN do I love that show. Not as much as Grey's or Private Practice (so cant wait until that premire airs!) It is just so sweet. And I am loving wating her grow up because it just feels so much like what I'm going through in my life, growing up and learning and trying and leaping, and all that great stuff.

Its time to go! PAD THAI!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Meeting with a Midwife

So, I drove my happy self to another birthing center just down the road from the one I used! The coincidence seems odd. The only two birthing centers I've heard of are smack dab in the same scary part of town, 2 min apart. Whatever.

This was quite an operation! This birthing center has something like 5 or 6 midwives on staff, and 3 apprentices. Whoa dang! I learned so much about the place. Also, I loved chatting with April, the woman who showed me around. Some of the other midwives I've talked to have treated me like I wasn't cool enough to join the club, so it was so very refreshing to spend some time with someone so excited about educating me about midwifery and their apprenticeship program. I think the CPM route is the one I will end up persuing. I just think the time you spend becoming qualified to be a nurse midwife is too valuable to be used in school. I really feel like 8 years of being there with the birthing moms is so much more valuable than being in school where most of the time you aren't touching anything resembling midwifery, mothers or babies. My academia mind is not pleased with my latest opinion. But I'm not set on one certain thing right now. I still have yet to hear from the nurse midwife I know about helping out with some births. The woman has been crazy crazy busy, so I'm not even a little offended. However, if she was less then serious then she will have to do more than avoid my calls. *crazy gleam in my eyes*

I wish I could better pin down how this meeting with April made me feel. The women in the practice were all very different, very caring. They really did like to hear what I had to say, kept asking me questions. I think the vast majority of them were Christian. April let me ask some very hard questions. I asked how she felt CPM's and CNM's compared and if CPM's were a less safe choice. I asked her about infant demise, something Husband is very worried about for me. I asked her about the lifestyle and she gave it to me pretty straight. I even felt comfortable explaining how I thought this might be like a calling for me, so I am being very fearful and slow about it. She really seemed to understand. All in all, it was a terrific experience. I feel much more connected? knowledgable? I certainly feel like I have a better feel of the pace of a midwives life. I've been reading some fantastic midwifery blogs, but sometimes they are just so politically charged, and I don't want to be involved with that so much. I just want to help women have a wonderful, safe, beautiful experience.

I think to sum up what I think of midwifery, I'ld have to rip off the phrase, "It's not the destination that matters, but the journey." I look at the journey of women who have labored in a hospital, and it just looks unnessecarily hard. It makes me want to throw them a party for managing to do it at all. I look at the journey of women who have birthed in birthing centers or at home, and they look like they've have a whole lot of fun. The truth for low risk, healthy women is that the destination is almost always the same, a happy healthy child, but what the mom goes through to get there differs greatly.

The Birthday

The birthday of my brother went fine. Well, it went fine, but there were some really terrible moments. Well, just one really terrible moment. I spent all day wondering if I were going to be late to the dang thing I was supposed to be cooking for because of my meeting with some midwives (posting about that next). And I was, but brother and his girlfriend were even later. I think the poor dear might be a little afraid of me. Perhaps both the poor dears are. Anyway, Husband made most of the food, I finished up and then I get yet another call that this ADULT is going to be even later than expected.

Really, its not such a huge thing, except I've got this 18 month old that just goes ape shit when he isn't in bed by 8:30. He is the crankiest crank ever. Couple this with his absolute hatred of missing anything (wonder where he gets that from.................... no I don't). It's a recipe for the world's worst evening. No I wont go to bed! Why the hell are you still here, I need to go to bed! For the love of god, what is going on?! And then his head starts spinning. It's terrible. Well, lucky for me, my brother was so late, Matthew was already in bed. Perfect! Except we spent the whole evening whispering, "Happy Birthday Brother. SHUT THE HELL UP!"

But because of this worry of trying to do something nice, being disrespected (in all fairness it was the girlfriend's school's fault, but whatever), worrying about Son, trying to get a lot of food made, and probably a healthy dose of "I'm a crazy" I ended up just losing it. I just start bawling like a baby. I had to go outside because I didn't want to wake the real baby. Husband doesn't deal with my tears very well (posting about that after the next post) so I was pretty much left to myself to suck it up and be nice to be soon to be arriving guests. But I didn't. I snapped at Warren and said a fistful of mean things. I cried some more. Some of the food got over cooked (no one noticed though because it was Husband's roast, and he makes a kick butt roast (get it?)). Right when they arrived, I fled to the bedroom to take another minute and do something about my red eyes. I came out totally poised and ready to have a sweet birthday dinner.

And it worked. Everything went well. I ignored Husband for most of the meal and concentrated on Brother and Girlfriend. Husband took a call that lasted the rest of the time they were there, which would have really offended me any other time, but this time I was grateful. I shoved pretty tasty fair down every one's throat, and then we finished Brother's birthday gift, home made Thin Mints. Yeah, like the ones the Girl Scouts sell. Boo Yah. Its a simple process, but a rather long one without machinery, and it costs as much as one of those boxes. So I recommend them for the truly desperate. So, all in all, a fine time. I can't remember if Husband and I worked it out, we've had another different argument since then and have also recovered from that.

I can't post the recipe because the site has a pretty straight forward and hard to miss policy, but here is how to find it. Go to Click on the "Recipes" box. I think the Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints were on page 8. Sorry that is so round about. I was afraid to post the link because you have to agree to something something and I didn't want it to not work. Plus I'm lazy. But not too lazy to make these cookies! A couple of my own notes. If you can buy some kind of chocolate wafer that is on the thinnish side, I would highly recommend it! I think Nabisco has one you can get on eBay, but that stores don't carry. I dunno. Whatever, if you can get them, then all you have to do is coat! The second thought has to do with coating. I think I'm not such a fan of how much shortening they use. Should I make these again, I'm going to try to used much less. I think it keeps the chocolate from resetting as well. But keep in mind, that is an untested thought! The orig recipe is delish but it will melt in you hand! There ya go.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Things On My Mind Lately

The midwife thing. I have my appt with the CPM's tomorrow night! Yay! And my CNM hasn't called me back about the birth assistant thing. But hopefully that works out okay.

My brother's 22 b-day. I have this philosophy that you aren't an adult until you are 22. Before 18, you are too busy dreaming about being an "adult", 18-21 is like an internship, but when you hit 22. TADAH, Adult! There really are no more excuses for you once you are 22. A young adult, for sure, but still, a ful fledged adult! We are celebrating tomorrow (I know, a busy day! Ill try and remember and post about it).

Im stealing 2 batteries from work so my camera works again. I freaking need more pictures of my family!

I need a hair cut, in a bad bad bad way!

And I really really am enjoying Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga WAY too much.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Close Call!

"you really should write...I want you to be the 1st dual occupationists Writer/Midwife that A-town has ever known" - a good friend of mine

I was THIS close to telling him about this blog, but not giving him the URL. Then I remembered, if he wanted to, he could probably search for it by email address....
I am so so so excited. I seldom write to alleviate boredom (hmm, perhaps I should...), but time is crawling like a SLUG! I've been at work and have read all my blogs, finished my work for the day (gotta love Fridays when the boss is out and there is no more work to be handed out!), and its only 10:20!! SQUEE!

Why am I so excited? Well, because I get to see my baby today! Not MY baby so much, but close enough. The sweet lady I was pregnant with is carrying her second and has invited me to the sonogram. I mean THE sonogram. They take all the measurements to make sure things are developing well. But most importantly (please know that was a joke) is that we should find out the gender! My money is on a boy. She has had a very very boy like pregnancy so far, and her pregnancy with her girl was very very girl like, all very stereotypical. She let me palpate her last night and I was searching and searching towards the top, because that is where Grace hung out the entire time. Alas, the booger was sittin in her hips! I squashed him around for a few min. It was really really neat. I'm still not sure how midwives can know what they are feeling. I just felt moosh and a lump every so often. I certainly couldnt tell if it was butt, head, back, whatever. But, she is only 18 weeks along, soooooo, yeah. Anything to make me feel better about my innadequate skills.

Speaking of birth, I went to my midwife yesterday for a pap, and she offered me a position! It is a wee little thing, birthing assistant. The posistion is not so small, but I can only be on call on the weekends, so I might not get a whole lot of calls! Either way, I think it is fantastic! It is one thing to think, "I want to fly planes." but then you are devestated when you have gone through all the training and simulations only to find out you are terrified of heights. See my point? So before I throw myself head first into this, I just want to be sure I actually like it and can handle it.

She drew blood on a lady getting her glucose test done and I watched because I am curious and also slightly irresponsible. How so? Well, I often faint around punctures, my own or others. I have gotten a lot better in recent years, seeing as pregnancy is like a non stop stab fest. But this is one of the big things concerning me about midwfiery. Sometimes, Im just gonna need to stab people, okay? And I can't faint when Im doing that. I didn't even get woozy. Not even a little bit. I was so proud! I didnt tell either one of them because I didnt want them to think I was a jerk for testing myself like that. How nice would that have been, "dum de dum, Im drawing blood. CRAP, my new birthing assitant (squee!) just passed out!!! And there is a needle in my patients hand! Crap!". I know Betty likes me, but I thought telling them would have been a bad move. So Im telling you!

And now we get to the point when I remember why I dont like to blog when Im bored. Because I have nothing to say. Im totally consumed with this sonogram, and I have a little less than an hour to go..... Im not even gonna try to write. Peace. Im playing tetris!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why the Hell Not

I have at least one more entry to write after this. There is a lot on my mind. And it is my blog. Why the hell can't I post 4-6 new entires in one day if I want? HMM?

Matthew woke up before I could leave the house this morning. It breaks my heart in half to leave him when he is crying after me. It just totally ruins me for the day until I get back home to him. I hate it. He was so cuddly this morning. I always know he is sick when he voluntarily crawls into my arms and actually stays there for more than 3 seconds. Last night I had some good friends over and one had her toddler that is a week older than Matt. They always play so well together. Matt is just a pushover enough that Grace doesn't get angry, but he is spunky enough to keep it interesting. It is quite a wonderful combination for them. Anyway, he kept on for an hour, but then sat on the couch with me, which he never does. Never. He crawls all over the couch and me sometimes, but not just next to me. Took his temp after I noticed he was an oven and it was 102.1!!! Gave that bad boy some Motrin and kicked everyone out. I think it is just due to teething. They (the websites/books/dr's) say that teething doesn't cause fevers, but I really think it does. I tell you that to say, when he woke up with an almost fever (99.5) I just wanted to stay home with him and cuddle. Sicks babies are an abmination against God. Having to leave your sick baby is like going to the most severe level of Hell! And then he cries after you and you can hear him scream harder when you close the door to the garage! AHHHHH!! THE MISERY AND THE PAIN!!!

It is like torture this parenting stuff. The best, sweetest, most delicious torture.

Anonymous Blogging

My best friend anonymously blogs, just like me (you are in my anonymous blog now), and it is driving me absolutely BaNaNa'S. I want to read what she is writing, but she won't take my bait (just as she shouldn't) to switch and read what the other is writing. Sad thing is, if I knew someone was reading this thing, I would write differently. That is the whole point of this exercise to is figure out how I really think about things, so that I can present an opinion I have kind of worked out for myself. I am not pleasing anyone with this thing, just myself. I only publish it because... well.. I dont really know why. I think it feels more risky, like I am really being myself. If I write and don't publish then it's like I could say I was pretending, or I can throw it away or delete it and just pretend it never was. Often times in a word document, I just never finish the thought, and then I quit with out saving. This wayI have to finish the thought and then I can't delete it unless I really do figure out I don't agree with what I've said. I hate even the thought of renigging on something I've said. Why do you take it back? You changed your mind? Were you lying before? With the exception of a life experience, which can always trumps former opinions, I just dont like "changing my mind". In fact I've already kind of done that in the midwife thing. I have all but decided that I am going to not get my masters, just go for the apprenticship. And I hate that! I had already told some people I was going to go back to school! THIS is why I am indecisive! Because I Hate changing my mind!

Anyway, if you are reading this Caroline dear, do me a favor and never tell me. I would have to start a new blog, and so far Im rather fond of this one.

Bless This Mess

As a spiritually minded but slightly liberal person, this political season is just giving me the creeps. I am very conservative in my moral beliefs - mainly in the area of abortion. But just because a candidate is anti-abortion, it doesn't necessarily mean he is a good politician and the one I want leading this nation. Bush, who was billed as "moral" (and I'm sure he is) was not a very good leader. I felt like there was a great deal of smoke and mirrors. The war, tax rebate, those safety colors (what is that called), emergency aid, etc. I'm not too involved politically. Take that for what it is. I think what I want to see is a politician that can unify the nation. It feels to me like there is a great spiritual civil war on the horizon in this nation. Forget the words Republican and Democrat. The words Liberal and Conservative are starting to divide in such a way, there is no way to bridge the gap. There is no taking of one and taking of the other to form a good policy. The gap is becoming so wide our policies are turning into all or nothing ventures.

This is hard for a gal like me. I tend to prefer a good mixture of conservative and liberal policies. I like a healthy amount of government involvement, I like guns, I like capitol punishment, I like welfare, I like that the poor aren't dying on our streets. But since we are becoming so divided morally, we aren't seeing eye to eye politically. I almost wish they would consider abortion and gay marriage non-federal issues, non state issues, non government issues, and call it done. I don't have an answer on HOW they can do that, it is just a fantasy. I can do that in my world, dream about stuff that will never happen.

Actually, I do have solutions. Marriage is a spiritual designation. It started with the church. So really, the state should have no say in it anyway. I get the whole book keeping aspect though, so give gay people a different word with the same state benefits, union, or something. That can say its degrading all they want, but marriage is not a state union, it is a spiritual union. Period. You cant be married if the Lord wont allow it in the first place. Abortion? Outlaw it except in the case of rape and danger to the mother (because an unborn person is not a person, they are less than, though still to be considered). Of course you would then have all these people lying about getting raped, but that is on them, I say. Keeps our unmoral girls from going to Mexico and hurting themselves in their sin. I'm sure these ideas are way flawed, but whatever, they are ideas. Why does this have to be so hard? Then we can move on as a nation and start dealing with crap, like social security and health care. Why in that order, moral before policy? Because no one is focusing. You want to kill babies! You want to kill our nations boys! You only serve the rich! You only serve yourself! Blah Blah Blah. Do we have to keep bleeding money and resources?!?!?!?!? We are not an all powerful nation, we have major weaknesses and they needed to be patched up. Don't get my started on oil. Just youtube Anne Korin. Im with her on that.

Sign. So I don't know who to vote for. I do NOT want Obama in office. He would certainly get things done, which Im dying to see, but I dont think I want the things he is going to do done, KWIM? McCain however seems more of the same ol' Shrub we've had. His vice president looks nothing if not interesting, however..... We'll see what storms she brews......

We are in a major political season and everyone knows it. If Bush thought his terms were difficult, it is nothing on the next few guys (or gals). Things are getting worse friends. We will certainly be affected, lets just pray that we dont recieve the brunt of the attack.