Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bless This Mess

As a spiritually minded but slightly liberal person, this political season is just giving me the creeps. I am very conservative in my moral beliefs - mainly in the area of abortion. But just because a candidate is anti-abortion, it doesn't necessarily mean he is a good politician and the one I want leading this nation. Bush, who was billed as "moral" (and I'm sure he is) was not a very good leader. I felt like there was a great deal of smoke and mirrors. The war, tax rebate, those safety colors (what is that called), emergency aid, etc. I'm not too involved politically. Take that for what it is. I think what I want to see is a politician that can unify the nation. It feels to me like there is a great spiritual civil war on the horizon in this nation. Forget the words Republican and Democrat. The words Liberal and Conservative are starting to divide in such a way, there is no way to bridge the gap. There is no taking of one and taking of the other to form a good policy. The gap is becoming so wide our policies are turning into all or nothing ventures.

This is hard for a gal like me. I tend to prefer a good mixture of conservative and liberal policies. I like a healthy amount of government involvement, I like guns, I like capitol punishment, I like welfare, I like that the poor aren't dying on our streets. But since we are becoming so divided morally, we aren't seeing eye to eye politically. I almost wish they would consider abortion and gay marriage non-federal issues, non state issues, non government issues, and call it done. I don't have an answer on HOW they can do that, it is just a fantasy. I can do that in my world, dream about stuff that will never happen.

Actually, I do have solutions. Marriage is a spiritual designation. It started with the church. So really, the state should have no say in it anyway. I get the whole book keeping aspect though, so give gay people a different word with the same state benefits, union, or something. That can say its degrading all they want, but marriage is not a state union, it is a spiritual union. Period. You cant be married if the Lord wont allow it in the first place. Abortion? Outlaw it except in the case of rape and danger to the mother (because an unborn person is not a person, they are less than, though still to be considered). Of course you would then have all these people lying about getting raped, but that is on them, I say. Keeps our unmoral girls from going to Mexico and hurting themselves in their sin. I'm sure these ideas are way flawed, but whatever, they are ideas. Why does this have to be so hard? Then we can move on as a nation and start dealing with crap, like social security and health care. Why in that order, moral before policy? Because no one is focusing. You want to kill babies! You want to kill our nations boys! You only serve the rich! You only serve yourself! Blah Blah Blah. Do we have to keep bleeding money and resources?!?!?!?!? We are not an all powerful nation, we have major weaknesses and they needed to be patched up. Don't get my started on oil. Just youtube Anne Korin. Im with her on that.

Sign. So I don't know who to vote for. I do NOT want Obama in office. He would certainly get things done, which Im dying to see, but I dont think I want the things he is going to do done, KWIM? McCain however seems more of the same ol' Shrub we've had. His vice president looks nothing if not interesting, however..... We'll see what storms she brews......

We are in a major political season and everyone knows it. If Bush thought his terms were difficult, it is nothing on the next few guys (or gals). Things are getting worse friends. We will certainly be affected, lets just pray that we dont recieve the brunt of the attack.

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