Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Birthday

The birthday of my brother went fine. Well, it went fine, but there were some really terrible moments. Well, just one really terrible moment. I spent all day wondering if I were going to be late to the dang thing I was supposed to be cooking for because of my meeting with some midwives (posting about that next). And I was, but brother and his girlfriend were even later. I think the poor dear might be a little afraid of me. Perhaps both the poor dears are. Anyway, Husband made most of the food, I finished up and then I get yet another call that this ADULT is going to be even later than expected.

Really, its not such a huge thing, except I've got this 18 month old that just goes ape shit when he isn't in bed by 8:30. He is the crankiest crank ever. Couple this with his absolute hatred of missing anything (wonder where he gets that from.................... no I don't). It's a recipe for the world's worst evening. No I wont go to bed! Why the hell are you still here, I need to go to bed! For the love of god, what is going on?! And then his head starts spinning. It's terrible. Well, lucky for me, my brother was so late, Matthew was already in bed. Perfect! Except we spent the whole evening whispering, "Happy Birthday Brother. SHUT THE HELL UP!"

But because of this worry of trying to do something nice, being disrespected (in all fairness it was the girlfriend's school's fault, but whatever), worrying about Son, trying to get a lot of food made, and probably a healthy dose of "I'm a crazy" I ended up just losing it. I just start bawling like a baby. I had to go outside because I didn't want to wake the real baby. Husband doesn't deal with my tears very well (posting about that after the next post) so I was pretty much left to myself to suck it up and be nice to be soon to be arriving guests. But I didn't. I snapped at Warren and said a fistful of mean things. I cried some more. Some of the food got over cooked (no one noticed though because it was Husband's roast, and he makes a kick butt roast (get it?)). Right when they arrived, I fled to the bedroom to take another minute and do something about my red eyes. I came out totally poised and ready to have a sweet birthday dinner.

And it worked. Everything went well. I ignored Husband for most of the meal and concentrated on Brother and Girlfriend. Husband took a call that lasted the rest of the time they were there, which would have really offended me any other time, but this time I was grateful. I shoved pretty tasty fair down every one's throat, and then we finished Brother's birthday gift, home made Thin Mints. Yeah, like the ones the Girl Scouts sell. Boo Yah. Its a simple process, but a rather long one without machinery, and it costs as much as one of those boxes. So I recommend them for the truly desperate. So, all in all, a fine time. I can't remember if Husband and I worked it out, we've had another different argument since then and have also recovered from that.

I can't post the recipe because the site has a pretty straight forward and hard to miss policy, but here is how to find it. Go to Click on the "Recipes" box. I think the Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints were on page 8. Sorry that is so round about. I was afraid to post the link because you have to agree to something something and I didn't want it to not work. Plus I'm lazy. But not too lazy to make these cookies! A couple of my own notes. If you can buy some kind of chocolate wafer that is on the thinnish side, I would highly recommend it! I think Nabisco has one you can get on eBay, but that stores don't carry. I dunno. Whatever, if you can get them, then all you have to do is coat! The second thought has to do with coating. I think I'm not such a fan of how much shortening they use. Should I make these again, I'm going to try to used much less. I think it keeps the chocolate from resetting as well. But keep in mind, that is an untested thought! The orig recipe is delish but it will melt in you hand! There ya go.

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