Friday, September 12, 2008

I am so so so excited. I seldom write to alleviate boredom (hmm, perhaps I should...), but time is crawling like a SLUG! I've been at work and have read all my blogs, finished my work for the day (gotta love Fridays when the boss is out and there is no more work to be handed out!), and its only 10:20!! SQUEE!

Why am I so excited? Well, because I get to see my baby today! Not MY baby so much, but close enough. The sweet lady I was pregnant with is carrying her second and has invited me to the sonogram. I mean THE sonogram. They take all the measurements to make sure things are developing well. But most importantly (please know that was a joke) is that we should find out the gender! My money is on a boy. She has had a very very boy like pregnancy so far, and her pregnancy with her girl was very very girl like, all very stereotypical. She let me palpate her last night and I was searching and searching towards the top, because that is where Grace hung out the entire time. Alas, the booger was sittin in her hips! I squashed him around for a few min. It was really really neat. I'm still not sure how midwives can know what they are feeling. I just felt moosh and a lump every so often. I certainly couldnt tell if it was butt, head, back, whatever. But, she is only 18 weeks along, soooooo, yeah. Anything to make me feel better about my innadequate skills.

Speaking of birth, I went to my midwife yesterday for a pap, and she offered me a position! It is a wee little thing, birthing assistant. The posistion is not so small, but I can only be on call on the weekends, so I might not get a whole lot of calls! Either way, I think it is fantastic! It is one thing to think, "I want to fly planes." but then you are devestated when you have gone through all the training and simulations only to find out you are terrified of heights. See my point? So before I throw myself head first into this, I just want to be sure I actually like it and can handle it.

She drew blood on a lady getting her glucose test done and I watched because I am curious and also slightly irresponsible. How so? Well, I often faint around punctures, my own or others. I have gotten a lot better in recent years, seeing as pregnancy is like a non stop stab fest. But this is one of the big things concerning me about midwfiery. Sometimes, Im just gonna need to stab people, okay? And I can't faint when Im doing that. I didn't even get woozy. Not even a little bit. I was so proud! I didnt tell either one of them because I didnt want them to think I was a jerk for testing myself like that. How nice would that have been, "dum de dum, Im drawing blood. CRAP, my new birthing assitant (squee!) just passed out!!! And there is a needle in my patients hand! Crap!". I know Betty likes me, but I thought telling them would have been a bad move. So Im telling you!

And now we get to the point when I remember why I dont like to blog when Im bored. Because I have nothing to say. Im totally consumed with this sonogram, and I have a little less than an hour to go..... Im not even gonna try to write. Peace. Im playing tetris!

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