Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why the Hell Not

I have at least one more entry to write after this. There is a lot on my mind. And it is my blog. Why the hell can't I post 4-6 new entires in one day if I want? HMM?

Matthew woke up before I could leave the house this morning. It breaks my heart in half to leave him when he is crying after me. It just totally ruins me for the day until I get back home to him. I hate it. He was so cuddly this morning. I always know he is sick when he voluntarily crawls into my arms and actually stays there for more than 3 seconds. Last night I had some good friends over and one had her toddler that is a week older than Matt. They always play so well together. Matt is just a pushover enough that Grace doesn't get angry, but he is spunky enough to keep it interesting. It is quite a wonderful combination for them. Anyway, he kept on for an hour, but then sat on the couch with me, which he never does. Never. He crawls all over the couch and me sometimes, but not just next to me. Took his temp after I noticed he was an oven and it was 102.1!!! Gave that bad boy some Motrin and kicked everyone out. I think it is just due to teething. They (the websites/books/dr's) say that teething doesn't cause fevers, but I really think it does. I tell you that to say, when he woke up with an almost fever (99.5) I just wanted to stay home with him and cuddle. Sicks babies are an abmination against God. Having to leave your sick baby is like going to the most severe level of Hell! And then he cries after you and you can hear him scream harder when you close the door to the garage! AHHHHH!! THE MISERY AND THE PAIN!!!

It is like torture this parenting stuff. The best, sweetest, most delicious torture.

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