Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Broken Head

This is the deal. I fainted twice while on the potty. You can read about that here (if you really want to.......). I really did not want to go to the doctor because I knew it was be extremely unsatisfying as I talked about here.

But it happened twice in a couple of weeks, so that was enough to warrant the whole work up. Well, I finally had my followup. The blood work? Fine. The EEG? Fine. The MRI? Better than fine. Yup.

I knew going into the appt the best news I could get was, "Nope, you still have a tumor that isn't doing anything and we don't know why you are fainting when you crap." Happily, I was wrong. I got this news instead, "Nope, you do NOT have a brain tumor. It was misdiagnosed. You no longer have to hurry to have kids or worry that at some point your brain will stop working and you'll come into the office to take hormone shots once a month. AND we still don't know why you faint. Try not to crap."

No, they didn't tell me to avoid the turlet, but he chalked it up to a vasovagel response (shock). I'm not sure what my body is worried about, but I guess there is something scary about pooping because twice I've woken up on the floor with rug burn on my face (which is far worse than pooping, IMHO).

The GREAT news is that I don't have a brain tumor! YES! No more MRI's. No more rushing to have babies. No more worries that I'll be dependent on hormone shots for decades!

That is two major things in one year. Cervical Cancer and Brain Tumor. Gone. Ka put. Nada. I'm feeling fortunate. And you know what? I can't tell my mom. I didn't want to tell her about the tests because when she worries it's bad for everyone, so I thought, "If it's bad news then I'll let her know, and if it is good news then it doesn't matter, and no one is the wiser" Except the news was better than good. So do I tell her, "Hey, I got tested for the worrisome thing that I didn't want to tell you about, but the good news is I am tumor free?" or just not tell her? I'm probably not going to tell her and let my dad or brother bring it up on accident and say, "I really didn't tell you about that? No, I think I did. You must have been drunk..." How's that for Godly behavior?

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