Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Things On My Mind Lately

The midwife thing. I have my appt with the CPM's tomorrow night! Yay! And my CNM hasn't called me back about the birth assistant thing. But hopefully that works out okay.

My brother's 22 b-day. I have this philosophy that you aren't an adult until you are 22. Before 18, you are too busy dreaming about being an "adult", 18-21 is like an internship, but when you hit 22. TADAH, Adult! There really are no more excuses for you once you are 22. A young adult, for sure, but still, a ful fledged adult! We are celebrating tomorrow (I know, a busy day! Ill try and remember and post about it).

Im stealing 2 batteries from work so my camera works again. I freaking need more pictures of my family!

I need a hair cut, in a bad bad bad way!

And I really really am enjoying Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga WAY too much.

1 comment:

Mike Overall said...

Hey...was browsing sites and came across yours. Amusing. And BTW you can't enjoy Twilight Saga TOO much lol