Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Again With The Serious

So, in this recent election, there was a proposition to ban gay marriage in the state of California. It passed. People are pissed. And I can see why. And I am still glad it passed. I watched a clip from MSNBC where the guy just reams us who did or who would have voted for it. He just cries from the heart, "WHY?!" I felt compelled to answer him.

Do I think love is absolutely the most important thing ever? YES. Do I think it counts among sinners? YES! Why? Because we are all sinners. So if I were to discount the love of a gay couple, I undermine my own. We are absolutely no different in that. Do I agree with him that the "sanctity of marriage" is barely upheld by the people working so fervently to protect it. Sure do. He is right on that as well. The marriages we Christians do support only end up working out half the time anyway. That's messed up. It needs to be fixed. Doesn't all of this mean I should be okay with homosexuals getting married? No. Marriage currently is a societal term, but more than that, it is a religious term. My marriage has nothing to do with the state or politics. It is a covenant I made between my husband and God, the God of the Hebrews and Christians. It is clear in scripture that homosexuality is an abomination against God. So you cannot bring your abomination to God and ask him to uphold it. And I don't appreciate you using the same title I use to represent a covenant to represent your state title. It's not that I don't want to sully the title of marriage, it's that what you are doing isn't marriage. I would also go so far as to say what a lot of people do isn't marriage. Basically what I'm saying is that I think there should be two words. One describes the covenant I made with God and my husband (religious), and the other describes my social and legal standing with the person I am committed to (state). They were mixed out of convenience since governments started administrating it and I think now they need to be separated.

For example, I got married by my pastor and then I went to the county courthouse and registered my union with the state. One is a religious designation, one is a legal designation.

I think homosexuals deserve all the legal and social benefits I receive by being married. I just don't think they should use a religious term to describe their union.

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