Thursday, November 13, 2008

Boo Hoo

Usually I'm all boo hoo over having to drop my son off with his aunt. NOT THIS MORNING!

I definitely wish that I could work less so I could be a bigger part of his life. Definitely. It is mornings like this one though that prove to me that full time mommy is not what I want on my resume. If I were rich and I didn't have to work, I would probably still try and figure out something that gave me a little space from my 19 month old. I love him, I adore him, I want to kiss him every waking moment of the day. Today, I am glad to not have to hear his whining. I am glad to not have to be the parent. I am glad to not have to figure out which hill I want do die on. I am glad he is pitching a fit for someone else at this moment. I will be thrilled to pick him up at 5pm and restore my mantle of "Mother". Until then, I am appreciating that I will go to the grocery store on my lunch break and not have to avoid the bananas for fear of the inevitable "NANA!" screaming that would ensue.

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