Monday, November 17, 2008

Goings On

There is kinda a lot going on with me right now. I'll not be worrying about chronological order, FYI. I have to stay up all night tonight because I'm having a sleep deprived EEG in the mornin'. Wed I have an MRI at 8pm. Thurs night I'm going to go see Twilight. Sat I went to The Rose Garden Tea Room that has the best rose petal tea EVER. In your face. Next Mon is my birthday, and I have absolutely no plans (maybe Ill count Twilight as my birthday fete). Thanksgiving is in a week and a half. I desperately need to go to the grocery store. My mom is coming into town soon, as is my father. I don't know how they will share their grandchild time, but I'm sure we will figure it out. I'm not even a little convinced that these tests we are going to run this week on my brain will give us any answers. I knew I had to bite the bullet and go though because I fainted twice in 2 weeks for apparently no reason, so that always merits a visit to the brain doctor. What else? I restarted my "diet" which I've been ignoring for the last several weeks. It always astounds me how full I get with such little food when I eat slowly and take sips between bites. I made awesome pancakes this morning, only to find that we didn't have syrup. Husband was thrilled about that. Oh, more things the husband is thrilled about. According to the brain doctor we need to have all the kids we want to have asap because my pituitary is a ticking time bomb. We both want child #2, we just weren't quite on the child #2 train. We certainly want to hop on before it leaves the station, we just thought we had a little more time to prepare. I'm thinking this might be my last pack of BC. Yay for 6 week long cycles and PMS from Satan himself. I'll not mention some of the vaginal festivities that ensue when not on BC. That should be graphic enough. Did I mention that I am super excited about Twilight? I think it is going to be really really good. I generally like book to movie movies, but some are just bad. Bad bad. So we'll see. However, I've been hearing good things so far. Wanna know how I'm going to spend my entire night trying to battle sleep? I'm going to read the latest installment of the Inheritance Cycle, Brisinger, by Christopher Paolini. I hope I spelled that man's name correctly, and his book. I don't have time to spell check too hard core, I'm at work. Which brings me to my final point.

Drafting is still boring. With the weeks looking like they have and will, I'll stop complaining about it and be grateful for a time.

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