Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am dragging. I feel like my face is drooping like a basset hounds. Guess how much sleep I got last night? That's right, 9 hours. I had a HUGE cup of coffee this morning. Helped about as much as a feather pillow. Having one night of restless sleep is one thing, but this has been going on for weeks now. Except it wasn't restless. I slept like a rock. Am I anemic? I really don't think so. At this point though, I'm not ruling anything out. I WebMD-ed fatigue and fainting. That was helpful. I deserve no more than I got though. Cheapies like myself with what seem to be rather large problems shouldn't be able to find the answer on the interest. I should go to a professional.

It is just that I know exactly how this will go. "You are tired and you fainted? Let's get some blood work." "Oh, you also have a brain tumor? Well even though you aren't showing one symptom related to that, we'd better get an MRI anyway." So I get my blood sucked, pay out the butt for an MRI, and the results end up, "Yeah, you have a benign thyroid condition. Deal with it" Or something like that.

The conclusions I'm coming to? I'm cheap. I'm lazy. I don't really want to find out about yet another problem I might have. I don't really want to pay to be told what I was prepared to do anyway; deal with it. If I could get another symptom, that would help, like another fainting spell. You just can't ignore chronic fatigue AND fainting. If I weren't almost positive that I am not pregnant, I would swear I was pregnant. That is what I'll do. I'll go see a Dr. when the symptoms are worse than feeling pregnant, because not much except a real potent disease feels worse than that.


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