Monday, October 13, 2008

Here is a fun fact!

Men's Fitness has ranked the fittest and fattest cities in America. I live in a suburb of both Dallas and Fort Worth. You might never expect a SUBURB to make this list. Well, you would be wrong. Fort Worth takes slot no.4 and Dallas no. 6. I thought to myself, "I guess I can take that avg and that would be what my city would rank since I live right in the middle"(which would be bad enough) never DREAMING a SUBURB would make their list. Well, I went to check out the other cities on the list and saw "Arlington" at the top. Surely that is not the Arlington I live in. Surely they mean a different Arlington. SURELY living between no.4 and no. 6 is bad enough. SURELY we are not NO. 2!!!! Here is our report card. It is a hard truth.

3 of the top 10 fattest cities are in one metroplex, my metroplex. 6 of the top 10 fattest cities are in one state, my state. Ladies and gentlemen, I know we've all heard it before, but I'm having a moment, bigger is not necessarily better.

I love Texas, and I had heard something like this before. Now that I know the cold hard truth, I am blown away (well, not really, its hard to blow down a fatty like myself, specially blocked by all the other fatties around me). I'm currently on a weight loss mission, so I'm not in that whole denial, hey that is funny, frame of mind right now. I'm in a, this totally sucks and how is that even frickin' possible and what about DFW makes us collectively the fattest metroplex in the nation?! frame of mind. There is A LOT that falls on the shoulders of each individual in the way of personal responsibility. But COME ON! How can one metroplex be so unhealthy and it not be on the shoulders of someone else as well? How do we as a whole just end up so stinkin' fat? I for one am all for increased restaurant rates and decreased health food rates. Something. Anything. To be near or in a city on that list is a real eye opener. To be near or in 3, well. That is just shameful. Makes me want to move to Minneapolis (no.2 fittest city). I've been there before, it is wonderful. I didn't note that it was particularly healthy, but Ill pay better attention when I'm house hunting.

There is one thing I HAVE to say in defense of their report card. They had this to say about the residents of Arlington, "Arlington residents are 92 percent less likely than average to go cross-country skiing. That's the 4th lowest rate in our survey." Lets take a stroll down geography lane. Arlington in located in North Texas. It has an avg snowfall of 2" a year. We spend several weeks of each summer in the triple digits. Seems to me like the only two thing necessary for cross country skiing are flat spaces (which, admittedly, we have in abundance) and at the very least SNOW. I should note as an actual resident of Arlington, I find that 2" statistic hard to swallow, unless of course you are counting ice, then yes, MAYBE we get 2" of cold shit on the ground. Come on! Of course we don't cross country ski! Maybe we could pay to have snow shipped in and then we wouldn't be fat anymore.

In all truth, they are building a ski resort somewhere near by. Yup, an indoor ski resort in TEXAS. Which was once a part of MEXICO. Which is where people go to get drunk and tan. Not ski. I'm just saying. Maybe they can ski in Mexico, but I promise they would rather be drunk and tan.

If I weren't already on a weight loss mission (and doing pretty well if I say so myself) I would start today. Now I am going to enjoy my hummus and pita chip snack. YUM!

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