Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not Much to Report

You know what would be really fun for me right now? I would like to take some time and go read to my elderly Grandpa. He is a fantastic quiet man who is suffering from old. He is just too damn old. Obviously, I'm not in the "let's live as long as we possibly can" camp. I'm more in the "If I pee on myself, I'm taking an enthusiastic tumble down the stairs" camp. But that is probably more do to the fact that I'm young. Maybe, as with most things, age will give me perspective.

I quite like reading aloud to people. The sound of my own voice makes me happy. I'm just that kind of lady. I like sharing a good story with others. I like to convey my excitement through my voice to make them excited. I also like to think I'm pretty good at it. My only measurement is against my husband who doesn't like roller coasters because they are boring. Uh huh. So if I can get him interested and even a step past that, slightly excited, I know I'm doing a pretty good job. What I mean to say about that is, I'm glad he tolerates it because I really like doing it.

I think Grandpa would like it because he is bed-ridden. He is lonely and bored. He can't do much but listen since the shaking due to Parkinson's makes it hard for him to speak, move, crochet (not that he can) or do anything except watch TV. And you know I'm more entertaining than the news right now. All they can think to talk about is money and politics, neither which affect him much anymore. However, he lives in Oklahoma, I live in (fat) Texas, and I have other responsibilities that keep me from it. Maybe I'll take a day. The man deserves it, that's for sure.

Anyway, I wrote all that because I don't have much else to report. Matthew is still the cutest monster. Warren is still the best husband. I still have the best job I can get (that I know of). Life is good, and I am bored. :-) How bout that?

I wished I liked reading the Bible more than I do.....

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